Friday, 18 January 2019

Wax On, Wax Off

Small post today! I've recently had a word with myself and I decided I need to work on my self discipline. Thus, at least 30 mins of life drawing 3 or 4 times a week is now a-go! So far, I've been getting slightly carried away and done 1-2 hours instead. Oh well.

I thought I'd share it anyway. It's not actual life drawing, just from a website. I know it isn't the same but I really don't have the time for people watching in town. Besides, its faaaaaar too cold to leave my house unless the world is ending right now...

I would do more right now even, but I'm making Pad Thai tonight, and food is life so. Bye.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Heavenly Favours

So my holy friend is always asking for favours for her church. I try to oblige as much as I can stand. I tend to help on things that are for kids clubs, because if anything is good about her church it's that their community and support for each other is phenomenal. I applaud mucho-ly.

It's a poster about the Abraham guy who took his only child up a mountain to murder him because God told him so. At least that's how I remember it.

Until next time. Which may be a while because I keep forgetting to post. Oops.

Saturday, 5 January 2019

All about ME

Doodles doodles doodles. Its a cartoon interpretation of me! That jumper, is the jumper I wear for 90% of the winter. True story.

And those are the harem pants I wore for 50% of my month in Japan. Real life stuff here my dudes. I still need to work a lot more on having a freer hand while drawing. Think some life drawing is long overdue. Wish me luck!